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- Q1 2020 NLMK Group Trading update
15 April 2020
Q1 2020 NLMK Group Trading update
NLMK Group (LSE: NLMK, MOEX: NLMK) increased its steel output by 11% qoq to 4.2 m t, following the completion of the first stage of major repairs at NLMK Lipetsk BF and BOF operations. NLMK Group sales grew by 8% qoq to 4.5 m t.*
Q1 2020 highlights:
- Steel output increased by 11% qoq to 4.2 m t due to the completion of major repairs at NLMK Lipetsk BF and BOF operations in Q4 2019. Steel output was up by 1% yoy.
- Sales grew by 8% qoq to 4.5 m t, due to the increase in the sales of both semi-finished and HVA products. Sales were down by 2% yoy due to a high base that was associated with the sale of previously accumulated stocks at the beginning of 2019.
- Sales to home markets grew by 4% qoq to 3 m t, driven by the growth in the sale of semis used for manufacturing oil and gas pipes in Russia. Group sales to home markets accounted for 68% (-1 p.p. qoq) of total sales.
- Sales on export markets totalled 1.4 m t (+7% qoq) amid higher sales volumes of finished HVA products to Turkey and the EU.
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