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Rational use of land
The Company fulfils all its obligations to rehabilitate disturbed lands, takes the necessary steps to preserve land resources, preventing their pollution and degradation, and is guided by the principle of rational land management.
In the course of mining activities, land at the sites of formerly used mineral deposits and industrial waste landfills goes through a recovery process and is then used as farmland or handed over to become forest land. Since 2015, NLMK Group has recovered 215 hectares of disturbed land, which is now used as farmland or has become forest land.
Land reclamation measures are planned at early project engineering stages and implemented in line with the programmes and schedules approved at NLMK Group companies.
All deposits exploited by the Company and its tailing storages are currently in commercial development or exploration. Continuous measures are taken to monitor and control the state of the environment throughout the life cycle of deposits and tailing storages.
Stoilensky, NLMK’s mining and beneficiation plant, is developing one of the biggest deposits of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly. Explored reserves of iron ore at Stoilensky are estimated to last for 150 years, and there are no plans to eliminate the mines.
Land reclamation by NLMK Group, ha