Bank details
Please find below the NLMK bank details for payment of the cost of making copies of documents envisaged in cl. 1.9. of Regulation No. 714-P "On the Disclosure of Information by Issuers of Securities", published by the Bank of Russia on 27.03.2020:
Recipient: Novolipetsk Steel
TIN 4823006703 / RRC 997550001
Receiving bank: JSC Unicredit Bank
Checking account 40702810500010236805
Correspondent account 30101810300000000545
RCBIC 044525545
Details of payment: Payment of cost of making copies of documents for invoice №____ dd. __. __. 20__
The total amount spent on making copies of documents envisaged in cl. 1.9. of Regulation No. 714-P "On the Disclosure of Information by Issuers of Securities", is determined based on the actual cost of their production, excluding postage costs, and amounts to 3 (Three) roubles 77 kopeks for one A4 black and white page. The postal charges for forwarding documents are determined according to the rates of Russian Post.
Copies of documents envisaged in cl. 1.9. of Regulation No. 714-P «On the Disclosure of Information by Issuers of Securities», are provided to interested parties upon request and in exchange for a fee not exceeding the cost of providing such copies (cost of making copies of documents and postal charges for forwarding such copies).
The company shall provide the copies of documents with a retention period, which is not fixed in the Russian legislation as permanent, to interested parties upon their request within the retention period set for such documents.
Please send your requests to V. Loskutov, Corporate secretary of NLMK Group, at 2 Metallurgov Sq., 398040, Lipetsk, Russia