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Recycling of secondary resources
Secondary resource recycling across NLMK Group, %
NLMK Group operates its own scrap collection and processing facilities that advance the circular economy vision. It recycles scrap, captured dust, and sludges. Construction materials are made from such by-products as slag, chalk crushed concrete, etc.

- Production of blast furnace charge from industrial waste (BF shops and Coke Plant)
- Full recycling of all newly generated ferrum-containing waste
- Use of generated wood chips in the ferroalloy shop process
- No purchasing wood for the production of chips
To achieve the targets, the Company has adopted a recycling program containing about 40 projects. The implementation of the program will increase the recycling of secondary raw materials within the Company to the level of 99.5%.
Moscow Office
+7 495 504 05 04 Address: 40, Bolshaya Ordynka str, bldg 3, 119017 Moscow info@nlmk.сom
+7 (800) 511 30 39
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