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Occupational health and safety
The Company’s approach is based on the following measures:
- Strict compliance with Russian and international OHS regulations;
- Introduction of best practices;
- A risk-based approach and control of key risk factors;
- Maintaining and developing a safety culture among NLMK Group’s employees and contractors;
Strategic objectives in OHS:
- Zero fatalities involving employees and contractors;
- Achieving a total Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) among employees and contractors of not over 0.5 by the end of 2022;
- Raising awareness among staff on personal safety;
The Company’s Management Board is updated on a monthly basis on the status of the OHS Strategy, OHS projects, and the results of occupational incident investigations. These reports make it possible to analyse the performance of the OHS management system and develop next steps to improve it. In addition, the Management Board reviews the achievement of OHS KPIs.
The Occupational Health and Safety Department manages OHS issues at all the Group’s companies, including international ones. Each of the Group's companies has an OHS team. Dedicated occupational safety teams operate in the shops of the largest companies. A dedicated project office operates within the Department to develop and maintain an NLMK Group contractor safety management system. A separate unit works on contractor engagement at major reconstruction and development investment projects. All participants in the OHS management structure, including international companies, collaborate to ensure that a unified approach is adopted to improving safety at all NLMK companies. Requirements for compliance with NLMK Group’s OHS principles are identical for Company employees and contractors.
The year-on-year increase in the number of injures in 2020 is due to improved light injury registration. In late 2019, the Company launched a programme to prevent incident concealment. Having formed a complete base for injury analysis, the Company went on to implement new targeted programmes to reduce risks and introduce new OHS tools. As a result, LTIFR went down consistently throughout 2020.
Staff training and engagement
The Group conducts all OHS training programmes prescribed by state regulations. NLMK also implements additional measures to bolster the safety culture at the Group and to improve employee engagement.
In order to ensure a systematic approach to training, NLMK develops training plans for employees aimed at developing particular skills and boosting professional competencies. When organizing and conducting training sessions, NLMK particularly emphasizes the practical use of the knowledge obtained at dedicated practice grounds and visits to production sites.
OHS hotline
The Company has its own OHS hotline. If you would like to ask a question or report a breach of OHS rules, please dial 8 (800) 600-04-74 or email HSE@nlmk.com