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For Suppliers and Contractors

The Procurement Division of NLMK Group implements best practices and modern digital procurement solutions in its activities, creates long-term partnerships to ensure that the choice of suppliers is as transparent and open as possible.

The quality of products and the stability of NLMK’s production processes directly depend on the timely and accurate provision of quality goods and services by suppliers and contractors.

Strong and mutually beneficial relationships with reliable suppliers and contractors are essential if the Group is to sustain its operations and fulfil its obligations.

Become a partner

Procurement policy

The Procurement Division’s priority is to provide NLMK Group with reliable and uninterrupted supplies of inventories and services, as well as professional construction and installation services. The procurement process in the company allows to ensure that high-quality goods are procured in a timely and accurate matter and that the procurement process is as transparent and competitive as possible.

The mandatory requirement for cooperation with NLMK Group is ethical and fair business behaviour. That is why all our partners must follow the Corporate Ethics Code of an NLMK’s supplier.

To maintain business sustainability and its continuous development NLMK Group has approved the Integrated Management System Policy. We expect from our contractors to comply strictly with all applicable legal requirements, including environmental protection and occupational health and safety regulations. This is necessary to ensure the safety of employees, contractors and residents of the region.

NLMK Group strives to build mutually beneficial partnerships with contractors based on open interaction and create conditions for the continuous development of our partners.

The company adheres to the following principles in the procurement field:
  1. Competitiveness, openness, objectivity when choosing a contractor;
  2. Minimizing risks of violations of contractor’s obligations (late or incomplete delivery, violation of quality requirements, etc.);
  3. Obtaining optimal and fair market prices and the best conditions for the purchase of inventory/services by NLMK Group enterprises for the most important procurement procedures and minimizing the risks of legal consequences for NLMK Group enterprises;
  4. Shaping and strengthening of NLMK Group’s image of a fair customer open for cooperation, protecting its corporate interests via collegial decision-making.

Purchasing in numbers

bn rub
Total volume of purchases of inventories from third parties for Russian enterprises
Qualified Suppliers
Stock items purchased annually

Partner’s Tools

All competitive procedures of the company are absolutely transparent, most of them are carried out electronically using the SAP SRM system and SAP Ariba Network. The following tools are available to partners:

SAP SRM Account
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Electronic document flow
Services for qualified contractors
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Purchasing news

21 November 2022
NLMK Group became the winner of the Competitive Procurement Leadership 2022 contest in the “economic efficiency of purchasing operations” nomination.
8 December 2021
NLMK Group won the Grand Prix at the Leader in Competitive Procurement Awards, earning the title of Company of the Year in the field
8 November 2021
NLMK Group won the gold prize in the Exemplary Procurement nomination at the annual SAP Value Awards. The nomination recognizes the most effective business initiatives in procurement, supplier and contractor relations, and business network development.
27 September 2021
Anatoly Khebnev, NLMK Group Vice President for Procurement, was named Best Procurement Director in Metals and Mining by the annual Top 1000 Russian Managers rating compiled by the Russian Managers Association and Kommersant Publishing House.
15 July 2021
NLMK Group has placed among the top 5 companies in the first non-credit rating of procurement management quality compiled by Expert RA and the Expert Business Solutions analytical company.

What we purchase

NLMK Group operates in various areas and purchases a wide range of goods and services. The company’s procurement department includes centralized and decentralized elements. This organizational structure allows for the most efficient procurement and interaction with suppliers. In order to ensure a reliable and uninterrupted flow of goods and materials to NLMK Group’s companies, the procurement team has developed over 50 category-based strategies for centralized categories.

Main purchasing categories

Main raw material
Equipment, spare parts and other inventory items
Repair and maintenance
CIW and commissioning
Logistics services
Information Technologies
Recirculation of waste gases from Sintering Machines 1-4
Launch date
NLMK Sinter Shop
Revamping de-dusting system 1 of Sintering machine No. 2
Launch date
up to 2029
NLMK Sinter Plant
Revamping of dedusting and gas cleaning units at CDQP-2
Launch date
up to 2027
NLMK Coke Plant
Construction of dust & sulfur cleaning plant at sintering machines 1,2,4
Launch date
up to 2030
NLMK Sinter Plant
Installation of water dust suppression systems (stockyard ST-1)
Launch date
NLMK Sinter Plant
Construction of a dedusting system in the coal and coke warehouse
Launch date
up to 2027
NLMK BF Shop 2
Technical revamping of dust collection systems for dust-free coke discharge units of Coke Department
Launch date
up to 2026
Altai Koks Oxygen Shop

You can send questions and proposals for cooperation to, or use the feedback form.

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